viernes, 11 de julio de 2008

The Secret Life of Plants

I can't conceive the nucleus of all

Begins inside a tiny seed
And what we think as insignificant
Provides the purest air we breathe

But, who am I to doubt or question the inevitable being?
For these are but a few discoveries
We find inside the secret life of plants

A species smaller than the eye can see
Or larger than most living things
And yet we take from it without consent
Our shelter, food, habilment...

But, who am I to doubt or question the inevitable being?
For these are but a few discoveries
Wwe find inside the secret life of plants

But far too many give them in return
A stomp, cut, drown, or burn
As is theyre nothing
But if you ask yourself where would you be
Without them you will find you would not

And some believe antennas are their leaves
That spans beyond our galaxy...
They've been, they are and probably will be
Who are the mediocrity

But, who am I to doubt or question the inevitable being?
For these are but a few discoveries
We find inside the secret life of plants
For these are but a few discoveries
We find inside the secret life of plants

y seguimos haciendo la vista gorda...

4 comentarios:

ojosverdesfritos dijo...

me encanta esa forma de las hojas de la planta...tan verde!!

y entrar aquí con esta música buaahh!!

esperemos q sea . y seguido ;)

ya queda ná pal etno!! joujou


Rubén Cegarra dijo...

insinuas que el cine se llamaba así porque empezó siendo un cine erótico y no por el nombre del paseo??!

tu capacidad de investigación me asombra xD

PD: la cursiva funciona :P

Anónimo dijo...

pues vamos a hacer la vista pequeña!!

pásate y opina!

Miguel Gómez Losada dijo...

en youtube está el videoclip lo descubrí hace poco! es maravilloso, stevie andando entre las flores, guiado por la intuición, quizá por la belleza